Daring to Doubt: Take the Red Pill with Us Episode Transcript

00:00 - Nachi (Host)

Join us as we explore conspiracy theories and examine evidence and psychological factors. Let's challenge our perceptions and uncover the truth, and take the red pill and see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Welcome to another episode of I'm Not Yellen, I'm Dominican, podcast, hosted by Nachi and Damaris. Hey family, it's your girl, Nachi, and I'm here with Damaris, affectionately known by her family as the slim reaper.


If y'all know, y'all know, just saying Right, right. But, fam, I don't know. If y'all ready, I need to ask are y'all ready to take this red pill with us and Think about all the things that you thought might be Real? I mean, does everything seem as it is, as it appears to you? Hell, no, don't know. I don't know, and you know what this is, what we're gonna get into, so this is gonna be a good one.

01:19 - Damaris (Host)

It sure is, because I just truly believe we should go around in life with a healthy dose of skepticism.


I Do not believe in living life as a Smurf, and when I say smurf I mean Basically you walk around like no, no, no, stop. I call my niece and nephew smurfs because they're like a couple of polyan is they think life is great and you can trust everyone. The reality is no, but not that you go around like a paranoid person, but a healthy dose of skepticism is a good balance to have in life and I'm really excited about this topic because it's fun. It's our last episode of the season and it's it's in the world of conspiracy theories. Right, every time society, especially when anxiety is up in in, you know, during a phase in society, conspiracy theories are Correlated with that. You know they go up just as much. And so If we break down just the word right, conspiracy is a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. That's the word conspiracy.


And then the word theory and basically, basically Real talk, magic, come on, slow down, I know, I know. And then theory, by definition, is Speculative idea or plan as to how something might be done, the keyword here being speculative, right? So there's no proof of that yet. And so when I was looking at how conspiracy theory is defined, you know there were a lot of sources and, honestly, all of them were consistent if you look at it. And and they looked at conspiracy theory as an attempt to explain harmful or tragic events as a result of the actions of a small powerful group.


Such explanations Reject the accepted narrative that surrounding those events, indeed, the official version may be seen as further proof of the conspiracy, and so, and that one came from Britannica, but there was everything that I read. They looked at it that way and and it was really the rejection of the evidence that may exist and the lack of evidence to prove that said conspiracy theory is Is actually factual. So it takes me back when we, when we just kicked off this episode, this idea, and you already Said, isn't that our government a conspiracy? You know, um, I have certain strong feelings about that. You might hear it throughout the show. I don't want to just come out with a straight-up answer, but do you really believe Everything the government says?


I mean, and if so, I'm judging you Secretly, and not so secretly, I'm kind of judging you. So don't tell me. If you're a good friend of mine and and you're like, oh my god, I believe everything the government says and does is for our best interest, yeah, no, I don't believe that and history has shown that to not be true.

04:56 - Nachi (Host)

Yeah, cuz they had. They are very good at painting certain pictures and using People's biases to promote certain propaganda.

05:10 - Damaris (Host)

Yeah, absolutely. I mean the, and also the government just has a history of lying to its citizens. Yes, so why would I believe everything that it says to be a hundred percent facts or genuine, like I think that's just so? That to me doesn't make sense, like just from a logical standpoint. If you've lied repeatedly to me, am I really gonna trust everything that comes out your mouth?

05:36 - Nachi (Host)

I'm gonna question it, yes.

05:38 - Damaris (Host)

I'm gonna question it rightfully, so I'm. Some people may be like oh my goodness to marriage. You're exaggerating everything they've done is okay, I'm sorry, 70% okay.


Again, the question still stands am I going to believe everything you say? Ask fact or ask truth? No, fact is one thing, but truth, no, no, no. And so I Think that's also why conspiracy theories are so triggering. Right, because they they speak to a bias that may already exist and they feed off of people's anxieties, and so well, we're gonna share today. I mean, this is again. This is intended to be a Fun one for us. You may not find conspiracy theories fun, but I find it entertaining because I don't live my life like a smurf. Maybe you do, maybe you don't. Maybe you down with us and you're interested in this red pill. So I wanted to get into, actually, the most outrageous theories that turned out to be true. So they're no longer conspiracy theories, because the term conspiracy theories implies that it's theoretical and there's no, there's no proof that they're true. But these conspiracies actually happen, oh my gosh. And surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise. The ones that I'm going to talk about today are all done by the government.


Oh are you ready?

07:09 - Nachi (Host)

Nachi. Yes, tell me what we got. What we got, what we got.

07:12 - Damaris (Host)

Okay, we're gonna start with the first one, which to me is kind of like pretty outrageous.

07:17 - Nachi (Host)

So I don't know if you heard of nk.

07:20 - Damaris (Host)

Yes, so it was a project run by the CIA.


Oh wow, surprise, surprise, from 1953 to 1973, right, and it was an illegal human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the US Central Intelligence Agency, which is known as the CIA, and intended to develop Procedures and identify drugs that could be used during interrogations to weaken people and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture. So this was big in the 50s, because America was afraid of communism and of Soviet spies and all the like, and so they developed this program to to try to infiltrate and identify spies and and create what they termed as a truth serum right. But in doing so, they Not only experimented on people that may have consented, but the consent was dubious at best. They also did it on Unconsenting US citizens, canadian citizens. They end military staff that they threaten with court marshals if they try to expose the program. They had labs around the world doing experiments and they there were CIA connected institutions that ran these set experiments. They use this, they use LSD on these individuals and they occasionally tortured the participants as well. They paid hospitals, prisons, universities for their participation and their silence.

09:07 - Nachi (Host)

Did you hear prison Prisons.

09:10 - Damaris (Host)

Right, come on. And so this of course, they were exposed eventually, and they were ex-, and so, in 73, the CIA director, richard Helms, ordered that all documents related to MK Altru be destroyed. He said oh shit, fucking, burn it all.

09:32 - Nachi (Host)

I'm not even kidding. Oh, my goodness. And this was in the 1950s. You said To 73,.

09:39 - Damaris (Host)

It was a 20 year program.

09:41 - Nachi (Host)


09:45 - Damaris (Host)

And the reason why I can say that this is an actual conspiracy is because they had congressional hearings in the late 70s, but guess what? Because Richard Helms was like yo shred all that shit up. There was nothing they had, they didn't have enough evidence and all the people that of course, that were that were testifying.


They're like I don't recall 20 years, I don't recall, I don't know what happened, and so they the information that we do have that has been declassified are about 20,000 pages that were moved to a different office that hadn't been destroyed because it was misplaced there, and that is the only reason. But it doesn't really give enough information because I think it was a lot more about, as it relates to the, the budget of the program and other details, but not so much the experiments. But there was some information there that they were able to extract and that's why they had these congressional hearings. Okay, there was actually a committee in the 70s to investigate the work that the CIA and the FBI was doing, but yet those organizations still exist. And so when I say three letter agencies are four letter words. This is what I'm talking about. You think they care about you, your existence as a citizen. They're willing to sacrifice an experiment on you so that they can, oh, get a, get an edge over the Soviet Union.

11:14 - Nachi (Host)

Really, and unconsenting and scary at the same time.

11:17 - Damaris (Host)

Extremely scary, extremely scary. That was number one, okay.

11:22 - Nachi (Host)

Moving on to You're like we're not done. We're not done, there's more no no, no, no.

11:26 - Damaris (Host)

The next conspir, yeah, oh yeah, no, no, no the thing. I'm trying to keep this episode short, but, guys, there's a treasure trove of this, like not just in the beginning, it's a whole rabbit hole and I love it. I'm here for it. I'm your little rabbit hole guy. Let's do it. No, you love to do it. Let's be like Thoman Louise.

11:46 - Nachi (Host)

No, yeah, yeah. You love telling me, like do you know who was part of this organization and how, that you would link the money, like all you have to say is follow the money and I will tell you what to do. Don't I always say that, and I actually do it.

12:02 - Damaris (Host)

And I do it and you map it out for me. Yes, you funded that. Yes, oh right, mm, mm, mm, mm.

12:11 - Nachi (Host)


12:12 - Damaris (Host)

So, yeah, I love this. What's the next one? What's the next one? Surprise, surprise, this agency again. Gosh, darn it. The CIA Collaborating with the media for propaganda purposes.

12:27 - Nachi (Host)

Wow Okay.

12:28 - Damaris (Host)

So, yeah, so they have this thing, of course, declassified. Now, operation Mockingbird, this is called the CIA propaganda machine. Y'all hear this.

12:41 - Nachi (Host)

So this is. They even call it a propaganda machine. Right.

12:45 - Damaris (Host)

Well, this is declassified from the 50s. Please, let's not pretend that the CIA is still in existence, which means that they still have programs in place. So I wonder maybe they're not following us, because why would they do that? No, even if they have a history.

13:01 - Nachi (Host)

That was 20, 30, 40 years ago. Come on, guys, right.

13:06 - Damaris (Host)

They care about your rights now.

13:08 - Nachi (Host)

They care about you as a citizen.

13:11 - Damaris (Host)

Yes, they really do so in 48,. This guy, Frank Weisner, was appointed as the director of this special projects group. Anybody that is appointed to special projects you need to watch out for those types of people. Special projects I never the kind of special you think they are, but anyway, and they were. The CIA eventually took control of this special project office and this guy, Frank Weisner he was. The purpose of taking control of this organization was to maintain a secret campaign to influence media around the world for almost 25 years. They get 25 years. I'm sure it's continued, but they just like no, it ended 25 years Anyway.

14:03 - Nachi (Host)

Weisner yeah.

14:05 - Damaris (Host)

This guy Weisner, who was the director of this office he owned, respected members of guess what? You want to know what kind of publications they still exist the New York Times, newsweek, cbs and other media outlets. By the 50s there were around 3000 CIA employees and dozens of large global media outlets working to maintain this complex propaganda machine, but I know they must have all got fired immediately after. Because, so, guys, don't worry, they were fired immediately when this program ended, because they weren't directed by a hired Right. Oh my gosh.

14:57 - Nachi (Host)


15:00 - Damaris (Host)

So at this time, what they were trying to influence was trying to convince the public how terrible communism was and the dangers of it, and facilitated the 1954 animated Hollywood production of George Orwell's Animal Farm.

15:19 - Nachi (Host)

Hmm, okay.

15:20 - Damaris (Host)

All right, no problem, the book is fantastic. So the church committee is the one that exposed the conspiracy in 1975. And they calculated that misinforming the world cost taxpayers $265 million a year.

15:39 - Nachi (Host)

Oh my gosh. Yeah.

15:40 - Damaris (Host)

So, yeah, and this church committee is the one, the same committee that exposed the other, mk Ulstra. But I want to where the church committee is now. I wonder what happened in Congress. They took focus on foreign affairs and bullshit like that. Yeah. So that's interesting, and what's funny is that. Something else that I came across that to me is very related to this, but though not a direct link but definitely dotted lines, is that there was a US patent, and this patent number is 6506148 B-Ezenboy 2. It's called nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic field from monitors. So I'm just going to read to you a summary of what that means. So computer monitors and TV monitors can be made to emit weak, low frequency electromagnetic field merely by pulsing the intensity of displayed images. So basically all this, and to sum up in one sentence, is that a TV monitor or computer monitor can be used to manipulate the nervous system of nearby people.

17:01 - Nachi (Host)

This is a lot. There's a whole bunch of us with anxiety and all sorts of nervous system issues.

17:09 - Damaris (Host)

But actually we don't know if it's being used for that. You know, there is this idea of using this nervous energy that we emit when we're anxious. I believe it's called lush it's. That is what drives a lot of these vehicles to create a perpetual state of fear for you, because they need that energy of you being anxious, of you constantly being stressed out. This is why, as a former self care, I do not watch the news.

17:48 - Nachi (Host)

Yeah, I don't either. Yeah, no, and it's interesting because I think about I was just thinking about this the other day how anxiety it seems like everyone is suffering from that, even myself. I try to do things like yourself. I would not watch the news. I'm limited to the amount of news that I take in on a daily basis. But I also do things to Right help my nervous system, like I'll meditate or I'll do yoga, or if I know that I'm getting more anxious, I make sure that I'm taking my herbal teas. That's that helps with with my nervous system. But it's interesting that you say that this was part of their plan yeah, yeah.

18:52 - Damaris (Host)

So well, this patent has nothing to do with the CIA, but I'm sharing it because when you see the hear about this operation mockingbird and this idea of manipulating and controlling the media to push out certain propaganda messages on behalf of the government, it's not crazy to see how, now that the fact that there is a patent out there to emit certain frequencies that actually affect our nervous system, like that's crazy. You know, I'm not here to say that it's being used for evil purposes or not, I don't know. I'm just telling you that there's a patent out there and it exists. This is actually a thing I think the patent is from like 2001 2001 yeah, so who's to say, like, how this is being used or not.


We have no idea. But again, we're not sharing this to scare people. This, this information, is to make people aware, like you need to be aware you need to be a conscious being and make mindful decisions. Be be present. Don't do things as if you're a robot, as if you're an NPC. Like your main character.

20:13 - Nachi (Host)

Act like one but it's like, remember, was it Arsenio Hall? I'm aging myself, but he always used to have a segment that went anything on things that make you go, hmm, that's how you have to be on a daily basis. That's it that come up to your you know that you're knowledgeable about, makes you want to think about it like that's it, like what's this about and how can it be applied to me?

20:47 - Damaris (Host)

exactly, and this is why, when we talk about reducing time on screen, yeah, because we use a lot more devices.

20:57 - Nachi (Host)

Now we know it's not TV.

20:59 - Damaris (Host)

We have our laptop, we have our phone, ipads also, and like why they say you shouldn't have your phone in your bedroom.


The Wi-Fi, like all these frequencies, yeah, it's disruptive, but you know everything, everything, yeah that's yeah so I thought it was to connect those two just in the fact that they're in the realm of. Here's how we consume information, usually through a TV, some sort of monitor, whether it's TV, a computer, your phone device, whatever. Yeah, so. So the next one is also a very interesting one, and some people may be familiar with this because of the show on Amazon that it was based off of its operation paper clip. This is where Nazi scientists find employment in America and, as I mentioned already, there was a show on Amazon that came out, I want to say, in 2020 or 2021, about these Nazi scientists that were undercover in the US and working as yeah, I'm like, great, you have employment. That's wonderful, even though you're part of this regime.


What's interesting is that, just to describe this, this is so. It was a joint intelligence agency that gave authorization to provide 1500 German scientists, technicians and engineers from Nazi Germany employment in America and apparently some other countries, but primarily German scientists, and President Schumann agreed to this program with the explicit instruction that it only include those who were not found to have been a member of the Nazi Party and, I guess, no more than a nominal participant in its activities or an active support of Nazi militarism. Okay, but this. So this meant that there were certain like really big-name scientists were in her Von Braun, arthur Rudolph and Hubertus Strunkhold who were listed as a menace to this, to the security of the Allied forces.


So the Allied forces, that's the other countries they're like, these people are terrible right so they, under this program on a Truman, would not fit the requirements of being allowed to find new employment in America. But our lovely joint intelligence objectives agency decided that these guys were vital importance to the development of the US rocket program and creating yeah, so they. They falsified documentation, they falsified their employment and political biographies so that and also, along the way, completely destroyed all evidence connecting them to the Nazi war machine so this, this, this government loves having a history of destroying evidence that will connect them to harmful and wrongdoing.


But I thought I was okay, not surprising. But but again, I know some of you. You're like I love this government, I'm dying a sword for it. Congratulations, yeah, congratulations.


They give two fucks about you come on, come on right, by all means, by all means, do it, do what you know what feels best. And then the last one, which is my favorite and you'll and you'll know why not you is the Tuskegee experiment. The US government loves to experiment on its citizens. Yeah, yeah, yeah so, hmm, so, in 1932, the US public health service with the CDC, yeah, yeah, cdc conspired to create a phony syphilis treatment program.


So in this program there were lying to up to almost 400 African-American men who had been diagnosed with syphilis, and they were. This was apparently only supposed to have lasted for six months, but it took until. But this program didn't until 1972 and of course that's when it became public. Only because it became public and the the government was forced to investigate and shut down the program. But for 40 years these men were given dangerous chemicals, offered painful and unnecessary medical procedures under the guise of actual treatment. So they were lied to, even though during that time frame penicillin had come out to show that and it was shown to have cured syphilis. But they didn't give them that. They gave them placebos and they hid that from patients, even though they told the patients that in this program we will help you with medical care lies fraudulent as usual so the re, and they did this so that the researchers could learn about the disease.


That's wonderful. These poor black men and their families, because also some their spouses. They got infected, or sometimes their children were born with this, with congenital syphilis, something like that. They were never treated and at least over a minimum a hundred died either directly from syphilis or from complications that came from syphilis.

26:39 - Nachi (Host)

That burns me up and in in case any of y'all think, oh, this is just the only time. No, I want y'all to read this book called medical apartheid. It is from is written by Harriet Washington, and this she talks about the history of medical experimentation on black Americans from colonial times to present. This is not the only time no, and the thing is experiment on black people absolutely not.

27:14 - Damaris (Host)

And the other thing, too, is that you might hear well, the CDC did this a while ago. No, the program ended in 1972. We don't even know about the other programs right now. This program ended in 1972. We're talking about literally 50, a little over 50 years. That's people, that's like several generations, lifetimes. Right now, like people are alive during that time period. Like, stop, 1972 is when it ended, and only because they got exposed. So please miss me with the bullshit, miss me with it. Like, well, they wouldn't do that now. Okay, well, you could be the guinea pig. I choose not to be.

27:57 - Nachi (Host)

Oh my gosh. No, they are still doing it. Now you need to realize that and that's why you need to question it. But you know we'll get to that later.

28:06 - Damaris (Host)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think what people fail to realize is that the government is here to work for the citizens. They are here to serve citizens, not the other way around. I am not here to serve the government. The government was created to serve the citizens of this country, and what it does is that it tries to pretend that. Oh no, no, like you don't need to tell me how to live my life, nor are you, are you given permission to experiment on my life. You are here because you take my tax dollars and I need you to do the job that you need to do.


And I need you to just take several seats, take several seats, and so those are not theories. Those were all conspiracies that were planned by groups of government officials to do harm to people, so they can't be argued because those were actual declassified programs and their documentation of these events, which I say. All of this again, this is not to add fear mongering, because if I wanted to, I could present to you a bunch of conspiracy theories that are current day, but I choose not to because it's irrelevant, right? Because at the end of the day, you need to be focused on how to live your best life and how to increase your frequency so that stuff like this doesn't affect you the same way. Like, I'm not consuming this stuff all the time, but I am aware of it, so that I don't go out there like some Pollyanna and think, okay, yes, well, no, I always ask the questions, and this is where we've talked about this.


We're talking about it in this episode and in other episodes. Is this idea of critical thinking and discernment, and so let's talk about how do we practice that, right? Like? I think I'll start with myself, and part of it is intelligently analyzing the data. When the math does a math, the math does a math. It's as simple as that. I'm like okay, two plus two should not equal eight. Yeah, it should be four, and this isn't adding up.

30:33 - Nachi (Host)

No, yeah yeah, exactly, exactly, exactly, exactly, exactly exactly is doing that research, is doing the research, and you know, this is why we're talking about like you know, we're talking about medical experimentation and being able to ensure that you have, you give an informed consent, which means you have to understand what's being done to you.


And if you don't understand, you need to question it, not just go with what that provider or that healthcare professional is telling you to do, because you need to know what's happening to you and this is right for you. Yes, they may have you know their, their own professional background, but again, you still have to question and it these are things that's happening to you. So you have to be able to question and question anything that you're being told that you have to do.

31:49 - Damaris (Host)

Right, and that's yeah, it's, you're right, and for me, when I come across anything, I question the motivation. That's how I dig deeper. It's asking the question well, who benefits from this?

32:03 - Nachi (Host)

Right, right Because.

32:04 - Damaris (Host)

I'm going to tell you this right now when the government says jump, I don't ask how high, I just start adding more stuff to my bug out bag.

32:16 - Nachi (Host)

Like okay, I see where this is going, this is how I operate.

32:26 - Damaris (Host)

Right, right, y'all not catching me out here in these streets Like no, it's not going to happen.


I was saying how kiddies I was like my two baby cats and my husband. We are out of here, like, don't play with me. You said, do what? Okay, I, that's not going to happen. Okay, I need why? Because I need to make an informed decision, I need to make a conscious decision. So I do that by investigating. I do that by digging deeper, asking question the motivation who benefits from this? Who benefits from this? And I always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, always, follow the money. And I'll tell you this you tell, you tell.


The the government, not just the government private companies. They are by law forced to disclose a lot of information. They benefit because some Americans have a really short memory. Right, they benefit by Americans having a short memory and, just like, the whole reason of why I'm sharing all of these conspiracies that occurred is that they happen in less than the last hundred years.

33:50 - Nachi (Host)


33:51 - Damaris (Host)

And this is just again. This is for you not to forget that this has happened.

33:58 - Nachi (Host)

Which, of course, they're living today, right?

34:02 - Damaris (Host)

So there's no reason why this still couldn't be happening Because they've not shown me that they've changed their ways. In any case, like I was saying, they're required to disclose a lot of information, and that includes public facing companies, and so you don't have to do a lot of digging to get to unearth the weird connections. Literally go into the about us of a lot of these companies. Look at the board of directors, click on that. You'll see their bios. You'll let oh, this makes sense. What do you mean? This guy served as the director of FDA and now he's on the board of Pfizer. I'm just saying nothing against Pfizer, nothing against the FDA. I'm just saying look at that, wow, what a coincidence. Because the FDA is an organization, is a three letter organization that has to prove the drugs that come from the pharmaceutical companies. I mean, that's not a weird connection, right?

35:02 - Nachi (Host)

Is that not a conflict of interest?

35:05 - Damaris (Host)

No, because he no longer works for the FDA. Right, she or he no longer work for the FDA. Okay, okay, oh right, but you don't have friends there anymore. Oh wait, you do. But, that doesn't mean that that influences their decision to chill, chill, not to chill.

35:20 - Nachi (Host)

That's not what I'm implying. No, it's not what I'm implying.

35:25 - Damaris (Host)

I'm just speaking with the idea of critical thinking. Just put that thinking cap, remember, in grammar school they would like put your thinking cap on. So my thinking cap has been on with crazy glue and has never really taken off. My thinking cap has been glued onto my head so and I thankfully leave it there. Adam usually is like could you please stop thinking and stop reading labels and stop telling me what?

35:55 - Nachi (Host)

I can, me alone, me alone, yes, yes.

35:59 - Damaris (Host)

He's like can we watch this show without you spewing out how this is all bullshit Right?

36:04 - Nachi (Host)

now, yeah, I think, on people not reading, and the majority of people don't read, they just go by, you know, or whatever, or peel.

36:13 - Damaris (Host)

Right or peel that first layer, like I'm telling you. You do not even have to dig deep, like I just told you. I went to the about a section. I was like, oh, this person, oh, that's interesting, what a, what an odd coincidence.

36:27 - Nachi (Host)

You think they're much into it. Damaris, Come on.

36:30 - Damaris (Host)

And actually I leave it at that. That's a coincidence, Fantastic A coincidence that I put is in my now file.

36:37 - Nachi (Host)

Okay, thank you. Things that make you go, not a big deal.

36:41 - Damaris (Host)

Right, right, I mean, but honestly, what they say. You benefit from critical thinking through heightened self reflection. I'm always asking myself the questions. I'm gaining a profound understanding of my own biases. Yes, yes, An areas for improvement. All true, you're all. You're just a healthy dose of skepticism. I'm not going out here like everything that these farmers, political companies do is evil and trash. No, they're look, they're benefits. People need certain drugs. Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

37:19 - Nachi (Host)

But it's having that open mindedness that you're, you know it's being able to okay. This is what my beliefs are, based on my research. If you have something to counter what I've read and my understanding of it, I'm open to hearing that. Tell me what Absolutely.

37:37 - Damaris (Host)

And that, and that's all about.

37:38 - Nachi (Host)

it's not, you know, it's not about like, oh, this is it and that's it. No, it has to be a level of open mindedness where we can have a conversation in a dialogue around these things and not be labeled as a conspiracy theorist, you know, or something. Why? Because I'm not a big fan of the discussion.

37:56 - Damaris (Host)

I'm just a critical thinker, I just I like to connect dots. I love puzzles, not. You could tell you this.

38:01 - Nachi (Host)

Yes, I love puzzles.

38:04 - Damaris (Host)

I love. My husband is always talking about how I should have been an investigator, I should have been in law enforcement because I love to play detective and I do, I do, I do. It is a hobby, so don't try me. Just letting you know she's a detective.


Yes, yes, yes. But I wanted to get into a little fun thing about what is a conspiracy theory that you believe to be true. But obviously, because it's still a theory, we don't know if it's actually true. But what is that one conspiracy theory for you I can't wait to get into my life.

38:38 - Nachi (Host)

Well, okay. So y'all know, when you see this trail of thin white cloud like that streaks across the sky and you know they call it chemtrails I really do think that there's something that they're putting out there in the air. Now I don't know what it is. It may affect us.

39:06 - Damaris (Host)

I don't know. It's good stuff. It's probably like potpourri that I wanted to smell good for the rest of the world. But it's interesting because I see it and I'm like hmm, why is that and we didn't see it that much growing up?

39:18 - Nachi (Host)


39:18 - Damaris (Host)

Like the last 20, 15 years. I've seen it quite a bit.

39:21 - Nachi (Host)

I've seen it quite a bit, and I wonder what's that about? You know something to think about.

39:28 - Damaris (Host)

Then we don't want people to ask questions. This is a dummy sprinkle. Don't ask any more questions. Why your?

39:38 - Nachi (Host)


39:38 - Damaris (Host)

Sprinkle a little dust over you, we're not doing anything over here. Sprinkle, sprinkle, sprinkle.

39:44 - Nachi (Host)

I'm just telling my kids, I'm like, you see that those are chemtrails. This is like. I mean, like, what Like?

39:51 - Damaris (Host)

oh my God, mom, where's the bunker?

39:54 - Nachi (Host)

They're putting something out here and I feel like it's affecting us in some kind of way. I don't know yet.

40:01 - Damaris (Host)

I'll find out, but we'll find out in 20 years. Have like another, have like baby Quaddoo coming out of our?

40:08 - Nachi (Host)

belly so.

40:09 - Damaris (Host)

I'm totally recall. Yeah, girl, okay, okay. So mine is the moon landing. I don't, I do not believe we landed on the moon, I just don't. And you know, before you get all crazy out there like, oh my God, I bet you a flat earth there. No, no, I'm not, I'm not. I just don't believe we landed on the moon. And simply by logic, I'm just going by logic. I've told you guys a million times I'm like a Vulcan. To me, if it doesn't make sense, it just doesn't add up. And so here are the reasons why, to me, it doesn't make sense. So, starting off, we're the only country to have landed by the seventies. Right, we had a 13 year program, the Apollo program, that we landed several times and we just decided to scrap the program. We just decided to scrap that program. We were like, okay, been there, done that you want to go back.


T-shirts, yeah, t-shirts like been there, done that, the moon, okay, and then no other country has decided to do this. They were like nah, america's done it. Right, it's all good, right, we're the best.

41:27 - Nachi (Host)

Yeah, okay, no one can compete with us.

41:30 - Damaris (Host)

Yeah, apparently not. That's one reason. And so, of course you know I looked into why NASA says we have not been back. Because, again, I just find it ridiculous. They say because it's too expensive. I'm like, wow, this is coming from the country that prints its own money. Too expensive, just print out more money, okay. Okay, I know that's not how it works. Before people were like it's embarrassing, it doesn't work that way, but like really Because? So when I looked at so apparently according to the Planetary Society which is Planetary, I think, org the total lunar effort between 1960 to 1973, adjusted for inflation, is about 280 billion.


So no small chunk 280 billion, 280 billion yes, oh my God, adjusted for inflation, so expensive. Okay, but it was also a 13-year program. So you know, you did the division. I'm like, okay, well, you're telling me from 1973 to 2024, we've now wanted to go not once and throw in a few billion dollars.

42:36 - Nachi (Host)

I mean, we throw billions of dollars on other things.

42:40 - Damaris (Host)

Let me just explain to you. So Iraq, the Iraq war, as of 2014, was 115 billion Wait, and that was 815 billion, 815, 815 billion and that cost War is money. So don't. Yeah, I'm like guys, don't be like. Oh, my God de Marys, you made that figure up. No, I didn't. It was from the cost of Iraq, afghanistan and other global war on terror operations since 1911 by Amy Belasco, a specialist in the US defense policy budget oh, it was a specialist December 8, 2014.


This was a white paper and done for Congress, so it's official. So, yeah, 815 billion. So, and you're telling me that we couldn't have 280 billion was for 13 years and for several missions. We couldn't have done one mission for some like 50 billion dollars. The math is a method. So the another thing the astronauts called the president from the moon to his landline. Like I needed the president to be on, like a satellite phone, because that's the only way you're actually getting the connection right. Right, but you get the call on your left. I'm confused. Hello, right, okay, they liked him. So you just don't understand the signs behind that. Okay, maybe I don't, but to me that doesn't really make a lot of sense. And the funny thing is that, oh, so, one of my good friends. She grew up in the DC area, so her family is pretty well connected from that area and her father obtained an autograph from Buzz Aldrin one of the astronauts that landed quote on the moon.


And I'll go into her apartment and she has it on her wall. I looked at it, I said I pointed to it and I said fake news. You know that didn't happen, right? I said you know that did not happen. She's just like leave me alone. I got blessed. I guess she just left me right with it. It was just like whatever to me. I'm just saying that didn't happen and honestly, it was kicked off because of this documentary that was released that I can't find anywhere, but it was released like in the early 2000s and it was on like Channel five in New York City and it was about how the moon landing was fake and I was dying. But you know what? I should have just assumed that it really happened because, again, this was all part of the propaganda to really rile Americans up about like we're going to beat the USSR and get to the moon first and stick a flag there and that's all we're going to do and come back and do it five more times and never go back.

45:25 - Nachi (Host)

They play on our ignorance all the time. Yeah.

45:29 - Damaris (Host)

And like and so, and again on the anxiety. Oh, you know, communism is spreading. We need to be careful, we should be fearful. I mean, I just told you about Operation Mockingbird and that was the propaganda machine from the CIA. So look, 12 astronauts have walked the moon, for there are only four still living. It's easy to control 12. That's all I'm saying. So I'm saying easy to control 12 people.

45:56 - Nachi (Host)

So I'm saying but that's it.

46:01 - Damaris (Host)

That's the only one that I'm like yeah like I might just need to be tortured to death because I was like no, it didn't happen, we're not going to be tortured.

46:11 - Nachi (Host)

I don't believe it.

46:12 - Damaris (Host)

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

46:14 - Nachi (Host)

I still don't believe it.

46:16 - Damaris (Host)

Right, didn't happen. Negative. Look at the picture. Look at this. Yeah, yeah, you mean the picture that was taken in the Hollywood studio. See, this is what I'm saying. Like I can't, I can't even get into it, but you know, plausible, I'm not crazy.

46:31 - Nachi (Host)

No, it is plausible, and being open-minded and hearing your thoughts about that, that all makes sense.

46:40 - Damaris (Host)

I enjoy this a lot and I'm glad I was able to expose myself on being really vulnerable here, guys, by sharing this with you, and I hope you can appreciate the vulnerability that I shared with you guys about the conspiracy theory that I believe to be true. And so I'm also excited that this is the last episode of the season, because I think we've had a great season and I'm happy to close out with this and, you know, just enjoy some time to prepare for the next season, because it's always going to be exciting stuff, and we really appreciate the support that our listeners have been providing, because you really are part of our tribe, so I appreciate all of you.

47:24 - Nachi (Host)

Yes, we so appreciate y'all.

47:27 - Damaris (Host)

Awesome, and so, as always, going to close with, there's a lot of noise out there, I just walked through what the what that noise was? All these, all these operations Shut it up.


But our message is consistent Stop getting distracted by the smoke and mirrors, tune out the noise, focus on your purpose in life. Breathe people, breathe, breathe, breathe. We're meant to be joyful, so focus on that, vibrate higher and always. Thank you for listening. So, that said, don't forget to subscribe to our channel and follow us on Instagram, tiktok and Twitter at I'mnotyellingundascore, and we look forward to talking next time. Bye, thanks for joining us.