Shadow Work (Side Effects Incl. Healing w/ Temporary Discomfort) Episode Transcript

00:08 - Nachi (Host)

Welcome to another episode of I'm Not Yelling! I'm Dominican, podcast hosted by Nachi and Damaris. Welcome back everybody. This is your girl, nachi, and I'm here with

00:20 - Damaris (Host)

Damaris, known by my cousin as Hollywood D.


We're excited to be back with part three of our conversation with Naomi of Om Body and Soul. On our previous episodes we talked about our spiritual journey and the tools we incorporate to keep grounding, to keep grounded and maintaining our spiritual hygiene, and this episode we're going to dive into ancestral healing and breaking generational curses. So welcome back, Naomi . We're glad to have you. It's always an excited conversation.

00:54 - Naomi (Guest)

Thank you, thank you. I'm excited to be back. Yes, yes, thank you, thank you. I appreciate that. I appreciate those clouds. I feel so welcome.

01:07 - Damaris (Host)

Yes, Well, you know, we love having you on, of course, not only because you're related to us, but obviously you bring and share a ton of information that I think is important for one's journey in life, and it's always good to hear other people's experience in their personal transformation and you know, and the skills and services you provide to your clients and to the community abroad.

01:37 - Naomi (Guest)

Yes, thank you for having me. It's always a pleasure sharing.

01:41 - Damaris (Host)

Yeah, and I feel like this topic is especially, you know, where our families from the Dominican Republic, and so the idea of ancestry and that's that's a part of our culture and the veneration of those ancestors, and so this idea of ancestral healing or, you know, breaking generational curses, is something that doesn't really get addressed. We're always more focused on how it is to to focus on honoring your ancestors, but and honoring two traditions, but I think, when we hold on to certain traditions, there are some that can be detrimental to us, and so I'd love to hear from you, Naomi , about what you've seen or experienced when it comes to this idea of ancestral healing or or the idea of breaking generational curses.

02:45 - Naomi (Guest)

Yeah. So you know, I remember prior to actually doing this work right where now I'm actively seeing so many different cases, right, and scenarios within families I don't think I really fully understood what generational curses were, and I think I remember that what I thought generational curse was was like literally a curse, right, like with like just analyzing it, just hearing it in so many people's mouths throughout time Just I thought it was literally like a curse. So I'm seeing it more like, oh, like a curse of like being poor, right, you know all generations.

03:21 - Nachi (Host)

I thought more like that.

03:24 - Naomi (Guest)

Now doing this work? Yeah, like I didn't, really, I truly did not fully understand that, like I think it was. I understood it at a very surface level. Now doing this work, generational curses are literally the simplest thing and it goes from something as simple as no one caring or not caring, no one healing fears, just being a fear based family where, let's say, great great grandma and great great granddad, you know, created a life based on fear, right, and where they played it very safe and where they didn't they limit, they limited themselves in certain ways right, due to this fear. Now, you see, they have children. Now their children are, they're raising their children in a very strict home right, that's how that manifests right, in a very strict home, very limiting in where they're, you know, limiting their children from exploring certain things because they've provided the whole idea and stigma of that's not safe for you, right. Now this goes into. Now these kids go and have children. Now they're emulating the same pattern. They're strict because now they have this programmed fear in them, so and so on and so forth.


Now it gets to my client. I'm working with my clients and now the core of their issue is that they're so deeply identified in fear. Now they're deeply identified in judgment, because now they're projecting their whole entire life and where, because they were fearful of doing certain things, now they are the biggest critics, because they come from families that are very critical, because if you don't fit the image of whatever they created, now you're judged right. And those are the generational curses that I see. It is not surface level, it is literally what seems as something that people overlook. Those are the curses is how do you get yourself out of the pattern? And the curses are the patterns that continue generation to generation, that no one is truly addressing, but it's allowing everyone to continue living in that same circle, in the same circle over and over and over.


I've also learned that we are reincarnated ancestors, right? So us three right now in this group, right now, as we speak, we are all reincarnated ancestors of whether it is that you came from your mother's lineage or whether it is that you came from your father's lineage. That's what we are right, and what I've seen working with my clients is that a lot of them are reincarnated ancestors that are trying to get it right, and then that has allowed me to see the cycle of generational curses and reincarnation they have. They're connected right.


We keep on coming here until we get it right and get it right and it's a lineage thing and until someone doesn't heal and now I fully also understand why you know the whole term of you know, when you heal, you heal, you heal for your ancestors, absolutely, absolutely. And that's because it's just we keep doing this over and over in different bodies in the same lineage. So that's interesting to me. That's what I could, that's my new found information now working with people and my new intake on what generational curses are. And that was a very brief example of just one.

06:43 - Nachi (Host)

I guess when you, when you think about that, you have to reflect on your life in terms of how how you deal with certain situations, and I wonder how someone can identify what's a curse and what's just your own bad behavior. Right Like how, how do you even work through that? Is that something that you do through your shadow work?

07:14 - Naomi (Guest)

Yeah, so everything is connected. So sometimes you can't even isolate that your bad behaviors are just isolated bad behaviors. Those bad behaviors are still coming from some type of programming and conditioning that leads you to be in that space of that bad behavior, if that makes sense. So no matter, no matter how much we try to disconnect it, that bad. You can have a bad behavior that was triggered by, let's say, your past romantic relationship. Right, but what led you to that romantic relationship still comes from a conditioning that came from your childhood, that came from your home, that came from your generation.


You see, I think that you can never fully isolate one's behavior as just an isolated behavior. Everything is connected, because then you could go all the way back into well, if you didn't come from this home, maybe the way you would have handled the situation would have been A, b and C versus, you know, d, e, f. So I think everything is connected. I don't. When you go and you dissect people's situations, it always stems back to a very particular event, a very particular situation that serves as the umbrella for everything else that takes place in your home.

08:26 - Nachi (Host)

I like the whole idea of looking at your past lives right, because they can shed some light into what you're dealing with today and what are some of the things that you can start working on. I'm always interested to find out like, hmm, what was my past life like? And that's always been an interest of mine. I have not gotten into that where I look into my past life, but in my head I always think about I wonder, you know, when I think about things that that I enjoy doing or something that I'm struggling with, I always go back to, is this something that's related to a past life issue that I need to start working on in this lifetime? And you know, for me it's just like okay, how do I even begin to do that?

09:22 - Damaris (Host)

When I've heard people talk about past lives, they always mention that certain when you have certain interests in your current life or things that you know, like obscure things or things that you know isn't common, I guess, among your friends or family that you're really into, and I'm like, oh yeah, that's usually some, some interest from a past life or something 100% Like.

09:47 - Nachi (Host)

I want to see the movie in my past life. See what was. How was I back then?

09:53 - Naomi (Guest)

Well, you know that I do past life regression. Oh, Naomi , if you want to find out, you have to have a PowerPoint regression session, like it's not, you don't have to, you know wonder that much, you don't need to imagine it actually.

10:07 - Nachi (Host)

Naomi , we're going to talk. It's not funny to do this.

10:11 - Naomi (Guest)

Yes, so I'll tell you what. What, to me, past life regression is is amazing, actually, because nothing that you're into, like you just stated right now, nothing is just because at all nothing. Whether it is that you're into, you like strawberries, you have an affinity for strawberries, that's coming from somewhere. Every single thing that we're into or that we dislike is coming from somewhere, and so wait a minute.

10:36 - Damaris (Host)

In my shadow work. My hatred for cilantro comes from my past life.

10:42 - Naomi (Guest)

Clearly, that it's coming from somewhere. I can't tell you it's coming directly from a past life. But just know that that's not just cause. Nothing is just cause. Everything is because of something.

10:52 - Damaris (Host)

When I and just quick sidebar when I did some research about cilantro, they talked about how those of us that cannot eat cilantro because it tastes different and we hate the way it tastes, they say that it's because I think there's some gene that we have that either, has not evolved to accept cilantro as a flavor, because cilantro at a certain point was considered poison. Hello, my body rejects it because it is Meanwhile, but you guys trick yourselves into liking it, and then that's why you eat it now. Okay, I know Disgusting.

11:34 - Naomi (Guest)

I don't think I do.

11:36 - Nachi (Host)

I really do love cilantro I don't have to include it in the meal. When the marriage comes over, come on.

11:42 - Damaris (Host)

It tastes so disgusting to me. It tastes so disgusting to me, but anyway back to you, yeah.

11:49 - Naomi (Guest)

So I'll tell you this, so some, so I'll give you me as an example my whole entire life I've had this whole thing with like breaking my ankle, right To the point that I'm extremely mindful, like I've. I'm a runner, so I run really fast when I get to running and I've been in the middle of running and I stopped because, like, oh shit, I don't want to break my ankle. I have never even twisted my ankle in this lifetime and every time I go into, like the fear of breaking my ankle, I kind of like feel it, like I I have this memory of kind of like, even knowing what it feels like or literally it was. It has always been weird to me.


Fast forward, I get into evolving my gifts and I see that past I've regressed and it was one of the things that I can do. I can go there and they showed me where that fear came from. And it literally comes from my life before this one, which I was murdered and I was running, like running from them, and what killed me was like a sparrow in my chest. But I guess, yeah, what killed me was like a sparrow in my chest because it was very like old times, but the memory that I kept from passing was I had fell like I broke my ankle. I literally fell like there was so much on, you know, I think, like leaves and branches, that I actually fell and broke my ankle. So the agonizing pain that I was experiencing when I transitioned was that pain in my ankle, so I came with that.

13:14 - Damaris (Host)

That is a horror movie. That's how people come up with these screenplays.

13:20 - Nachi (Host)

No, it's true. I feel, that they yes.

13:22 - Naomi (Guest)

Yeah, and it's like literally. And when I saw that I'm like, wow, it makes sense, because then I relive that same little phobia of pain that I kind of feel mentally like it's a memory. That's where it came from and it made it's in my. So we have our DNA is not just, you know, affecting the way we physically look. Our DNA is very spiritual. So we hold all the information of all the lifetimes that we've lived. We have information of our ancestors. It's all in there. It's just that because we're in this human costume vessel, we're very limited for how grandiose we really are.


So when I work with people, their past lives, it makes sense to other levels. You know, I have one girl, for example. She died in the Holocaust. That to me has been one of my favorite stories because she's like a Dominican woman and you know you're living this life. You would never think that one of your past life is you know you're, you're Jewish, right, like that's pretty cool to me. And she died a young kid like I think she was like seven, eight years old and she literally vividly when we went into that past life because it's when we do a past life regression sessions it's like hypnosis, so they're able. You're in meditation and you're able to. So my clients tell me what they're seeing. So it's kind of like I get them there, okay? So, nachi, you know, when you're ready I'll get you there and you see it yourself. So, which is the best part, you're not told you see it, it's all in your, in your imagination.

14:47 - Nachi (Host)

No, I asked you wouldn't do it, I would do it. Yeah, I'm doing it.

14:51 - Naomi (Guest)

Think about it, DeMarie you do it.

14:53 - Damaris (Host)

You know who I'm like. Oh yeah, no, no, no, I want Nachi to do it first.

14:57 - Naomi (Guest)

Because all right. So I'll tell you this it's not like you go somewhere, like you knock out, no, you are in meditation and you're getting visuals and you're seeing it and you're like, it's like a virtual reality experience with your own imagination. So I feel, but you're not creating these thoughts, they're flowing in. So this is another sidebar. Yeah.

15:14 - Nachi (Host)

How do I feel like I'm resistant to hypnosis. I don't know why I feel like I'm, so I'll tell you that I know that past life regression.

15:25 - Naomi (Guest)

I'm not a hypnotherapist, I just I'm able to do it because obviously you guys know I'm channeling. But the way she does it from what I hear other people they kind of like they're in a deep meditative state and I've heard people even say oh, I fell asleep. When we do it you are in meditation, but it's not like you're in this deep state where you don't remember when you come out. You know you're actually. It's like you put some goggles on and not goggles, but you're putting. You know what is?


it ABR VCR, whatever, yeah, yeah.

15:55 - Damaris (Host)

VR headset.

15:58 - Naomi (Guest)

It's like you put on a VR headset and you're getting all these visuals. But that's also because you know I'm channeling Maria. It's almost like she opens that portal for you to just see it. So it's a little different, but it falls. It's kind of similar at the same time, because you are in a meditative state. That's the only way that you can see it. You have to close your eyes, you know.


But past life regression makes a lot of sense. So this client that I was telling you about, she died in the gas chambers when she came out of the session. She goes, you know, it makes so much sense. I have this deep fear of dying at a very young age. Like she was like. I'm like in my 30s now and I still have this fear of like dying before my time. And she's claustrophobic, like she cannot be in. Yeah, so she's like.


You know, I've always wondered why I'm so and she used to get flashbacks in her mind of the Holocaust. So she said that she used to think that the reason she had, like this affinity for like the Holocaust and even Anne Frank she said that she had bought the book when she was, when she learned about the Holocaust, that she was so intrigued by it. So her whole life she gets like these flashes of, like the Holocaust, and she has always thought that it has been because like that's an error in history that has been interesting to her. So when we did the past lives, she was it makes perfect sense Like I, when I first learned this, I was just intrigued by it. I wanted to know more and she was specifically into Anne Frank because she was a child. So notice how even that it wasn't just because it's just we don't understand who we are. So it's easy for you to just think you have affinities for things and that's not the case.

17:33 - Damaris (Host)

There's some connection.

17:36 - Naomi (Guest)

There's always a connection and it allows you to understand. So, whatever past life comes up, it comes up because it directly connects to this one and it allows you to understand your why. So for her, it allowed her to understand why the sphere of dying young, why she's claustrophobic, because she was able to see that she died in this like just very restricted space, like it was. She has this fear of being in this little box and she kind of like passed away, like that.

18:04 - Damaris (Host)

So does knowing this kind of information then help to address those issues that she had, like being claustrophobic or fearing that she was going to die at a young age? Does that go away? Is that part like does that get healed or is it just like well, I know the why it exists, but it still so?

18:25 - Naomi (Guest)

it does it does help tremendously because what happens is that when you're doing shadow work the reason why shadow work is so uncomfortable at times is because you're facing yourself you're becoming aware. But the more aware you become, the more understanding of yourself you are right and at the same time you're raising consciousness for yourself. So when you learn information from your past life, it's almost like you put yourself at peace because now you understand why you are the way you are, and it's almost like bringing awareness to that information is what allows you to release it. Think about how much in fear you are just at the thought of something happening that you haven't even experienced. But then, when it happens, it's like, oh, it wasn't that big of a deal, so it's kind of like that same effect. So when they learn that, it's like oh, I'm not bugging after all. Like, oh, this makes sense.


To the point now that maybe they experienced, let's say, the fear for her of being claustrophobic. She might not be so much in fear anymore, but she's not as triggered because now there's an understanding to it. Versus, if you don't have an understanding, when you don't understand something, the first emotion is fear. Right, like you automatically go into this, like it's a tactic. It's almost instinctual. You know Unsafe zones, unsafe grounds or things that come with limited information makes you weary, so I think it's the same effect.

19:52 - Damaris (Host)

You mentioned shadow work, and I think Nachi did early in the conversation. But can you describe exactly what shadow work is? Because I think some folks, some of our listeners, may be familiar with the term and then there are a lot of other people that are like, well, what's that? Because I feel like it's a little bit it's becoming more popular these days, like I hear it more, but I know I was aware of it for many years but just like not to the degree that I would say that I'm more exposed to it now.

20:23 - Naomi (Guest)

I would say in a nutshell that shadow work is addressing the parts of you that usually you're not proud of, you're unaware of, you're suppressing. It's addressing those parts and integrating it to yourself, understanding who you are, because those things, whether you know or whether you're aware or not, they set limiting factors in your life. So shadow work is literally going deep into the yucky things. Or you know, where there's light is darkness, right? So it's addressing your darkness and that manifests in us in low vibrational emotions. So envy, fear, shame, lack of self-worth, need for control, greed, all of these things are the ways that you're identified in your shadow. So these are emotions that, for the most part, if you don't know that they exist, they're actually just limiting you, right? Because your reality is now constructed based on the cycle of these emotions. These are the emotions that define your life. So you're like a prisoner to it, right? So when you do shadow work, what you're doing is that you're addressing those emotions, the reason why you identify within those emotions so that you can free them. So often, because these are things that we're not really proud of, we continue to suppress them and suppress them and we start creating a reality from that lack of self-worth, from that need to control, from that anger, from that envyist person, and often we don't realize that that's just who we are. So shadow work is just addressing that. It's addressing it, transmuting that energy and integrating it back into your life. That's just really what it is. And once you address those parts of you, you're free.


And I think often we don't realize that when we don't address our shadow, we're a prisoner to it.


And that's where now, if you go into the belief of heaven and hell, you're creating your own hell, right, you're creating your own reality. That you're trapped, you're literally a prisoner of those emotions, because if you're not aware, you don't even know that you're operating under those emotions. So now it's like you're completely identified by it Versus now, when you address them and you understand them, you forgive yourself, you forgive others and you return to a space of love. And essentially, what you're doing now is that you're raising your frequency and you're unidentifying from those emotions, because now you're aware and you process how those emotions make you feel and why. So that's why shadow work is uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable because you don't want to address those parts of you, or, if you're not even aware that you're like that, it's even more uncomfortable Because now it feels like you're being told about yourself, and a lot of people go through cognitive dissonance and where they don't want to admit to themselves that they are where they're at because of those things.

23:18 - Damaris (Host)

Yes, it's. It's interesting how you described all of that, because for me I think you know you don't have to engage necessarily with a professional to do shadow work too. I I feel like you just have to have the courage enough to do it, to do it on your own on a regular basis as part of your kind of human journey. And I did the shadow work with these new and it was great.


And while there were things I already knew about myself, that I am, I would say, especially over the last five years, that I try to be way more introspective about why I'm feeling the way I'm feeling about certain situation. I'll ask myself the questions well, why do you feel like that matters? And then I'll have my surface level answer. Then I'll ask why? To that answer Well, why that?


And then I dig deeper and it is going through my head and sometimes I don't like the answer at the end and it's like oh damn, I'm such a dummy I can't believe I you know I'm stopping, I'm limiting myself from being my best because I'm afraid of this or I don't want to be judged about that, and it's just like but to what you said, Naomi , it is freeing to know that. It is freeing to, to have compassion for yourself, to embrace those parts that are not nice to think about, and embrace all of that, and when you do, I just kind of feel like you're just then free to move forward and that doesn't hold you back any longer. When I did the shadow work with you, it was great because one of the exercises you had me do was like I think it was write a letter to my younger self about all the things that I wanted to do.


And then and then I think my next assignment was like okay, now, what have I done over the last whatever year you know 20, 30 years to in addressing those dreams and goals I had. And I realized as I did those assignments was that, oh my God, in some form or fashion I actually did those things. But yet these last 30 years I was like I didn't do enough, I'm not doing, I could do more, I could be better, but that all came from shit that I just carried from my adolescents, right, like, oh, we have to be perfect, we were representing our family, we're you know all these things and and it's just like, no, I'm a person that I require peace and calm, so I don't like to start my day very early. I get motivated at 10 am Because I need that morning, that time before, to ease into my day, and I wasn't like that before. It was always go, go, go, go, go.


And I was shown in that shadow work that that comes from a place of fear, because I'm trying to control everything. And I think and by me trying to control everything, I try to control every aspect of my life and I'm always moving and I'm not my, my normal state, my best state of being, is being at peace, is being calm, and when I learned that, it was just like, yes, praise God, because you grow up in these Dominican households and it's like I'll feast you, I'll feast you.

26:57 - Nachi (Host)

You're ashamed.

26:58 - Naomi (Guest)

You're ashamed for like relaxing. You're ashamed for just yeah, and as a woman in.

27:06 - Damaris (Host)

in these households it's like no, you got stuff to do, there are chores to do you. There's never a moment of rest. And that was in Congress, with my natural state. Now I embrace it fully, unapologetically, without guilt.

27:20 - Nachi (Host)

When before there, was some level of guilt, and that's what shadow work is.

27:25 - Naomi (Guest)

It's literally embracing while I'm doing my best, you know. It's embracing while this is, you know, and it's not embracing like, well, yeah, I'm, I'm envious, it's take it or leave it. No, because now that's not shadow work, right, it's like work through that, but it's within yourself, embracing. Okay, like you said, you don't need someone to guide you through shadow work. It's just reevaluating and bringing awareness to and to, to, to, to, to, to everything that you do right In the pursuit of being your greatest version for yourself and for humanity, right For your greatest good and the greatest good of all. So it is that continuous checking yourself kind of feel right, like, okay, hold on, Naomi , why are you on Instagram? Why is this girl annoying you Every time you scroll through her page? Oh, okay, that makes sense. She is where I want to be, so she makes me uncomfortable.

28:13 - Damaris (Host)

And why does that make me uncomfortable?

28:15 - Naomi (Guest)

Right, yeah, and why does that make me feel uncomfortable? Oh, okay, no, you're not mad at her, you're uncomfortable with yourself, right, and it's addressing that, and that's what I mean by like. That's what shadow work is is integration. It's giving yourself grace, because the emotions, they just come. That's something else that I've, that I've learned in life, right, and even when working with people, you cannot resist feeling emotions. We come here to just experience emotions. It is part of the human design for us to feel emotions, right, so you are going to have days that you're not feeling at your best and that you might drive by someone that has a freaking better car than you and I'm using very tangible things to just make the example clear right, and you might feel shitty that day, right, because we're just designed to feel emotions. It's now what you do with the emotions. It's becoming the observer, like.


One of the greatest things that we discuss in my shadow work program is that shadow work itself is the act of becoming the observer Period. You're here to observe your emotions. So when you stated just now that you've always spoke to yourself, that means that you've always been the observer, and I think the hardest part of shadow work is teaching people how to go from the backseat to the front seat and observe the road. That's hard, yes, because it's like how do you just observe your emotions and not react? Well, no, just observe them.


Okay, I feel uncomfortable when I go to this girl's page because she's on her A game and right now I'm not and it's just facing it and it feels uncomfortable, right. But the minute you face it, now you're able to go through that girl's page again and not feel the way you feel, because now you're addressing that. It's a you problem versus most people don't do that. So now they're projecting. A lot of people are just projecting out here over and over and over because they lack awareness. So imagine two people that lack awareness projecting on each other. Now we have toxic, codependent relationships, now we have trauma bonds. And now this is where humanity is at, because awareness, the lack of awareness, is just that. It just creates cycles and patterns within you and everybody around you.

30:23 - Damaris (Host)

Yeah, it's like for a lot of people it's that things are happening to them.

30:30 - Naomi (Guest)


30:30 - Damaris (Host)

Exactly what are you doing? What is it about yourself? What part are you playing in that interaction? Because it is not solely happening just to you. There is a part you're playing, whether it's victim or instigator. There's something, there's a role you're playing, because I firmly believe that your environment, because I'm a firm believe in that, what your environment, is a reflection of your mental state.

31:03 - Nachi (Host)

I want to make sure that people understand too that shadow work is not a one and done that. Okay, I've done this one session, or I sat down in and kind of in reflected on what you know, what I'm struggling with or what are my challenges and how do I move from there. It's ongoing is like you said you're in this car and you're looking at the road ahead of you and just observing, observing everything around you, so that you can better assess how you need to move and navigate this world. It's not just the one and done type of thing.

31:40 - Naomi (Guest)

Yep, because healing is not linear. You know, healing is an ongoing journey. I think what I know at this point, as long as you're in this Human vessel, that we're in it's continuous work, because we're going to continue to experience emotions, we're going to continue to experience people and we are here to experience people and to have relations because this is also what allows us to evolve right. So, as long as we're in the game, we are going to continue to to Work on self mastery and I don't think, you know, anyone fully achieves and I never know how to say that word, so mind my accent but I don't think anyone fully gets there right where they're. You know, I don't even know what perfect is right, like that we reach. Oh, you make no wrong. No, because emotions are just what they are and it's not a matter of right or wrong. We're in a vessel that just Inevitably experiences them, whether you're aware of it or whether you're not. Notice how emotions run the game. So it's not linear, it's not.


I guide people through shadow work and I continuously have to do work on myself. Before, with this session, we had a conversation of, you know, decisions that I'm making and boundaries that I need to put in place for my own Healing and for my own well-being. So it doesn't end there. You know, I'm still faced with situations, family situations, just real things in life, because I'm in this human vessel, I'm not exempt either. No matter how much I guide and help people you know, come to the awareness of their own healing, it's ongoing.


And I think sometimes I tell people like, yeah, I go through things like, yeah, I I'm, I was depressed for like a week, or at least it felt like maybe I was depressed. I hate to claim that word now that I understand what depression is right. But yeah, I had a whole week that I felt shitty because I'm in the game too, and it is what it is. And maybe I went to the supermarket and the lady at the supermarket made me feel like shit, or I was in a shitty Space and I encountered somebody that triggered my shitty space at that moment. It's just part of the game.

33:50 - Damaris (Host)

What are some tangible things that you Did to work through your shadow or that you have your clients do to work through this shadow? One of the things I mentioned was writing that letter to my younger self. But curious to know, are there other things that that help people facilitate through this process?

34:10 - Naomi (Guest)

So you mean, like personally what I did versus what I'm helping, or what you or what you have clients do to work through it.

34:16 - Damaris (Host)

like you know, some Okay or assignments, yeah so a lot of the things.

34:22 - Naomi (Guest)

So, first off, we do bath rituals just because Bath rituals align your energy, it cleanses your energetic vessel and emotions itself. They are it's energy, it's energy in motion, right. So because we are clearing out energy on all levels, there's bath rituals that are involved and is to raise your frequency. We do a lot of journal writing a lot. There's a letter for everything and it's mainly it's not so much the letter, it's just what it does to your psyche. So often we don't realize that writing is so fundamental because what you're doing is that you're reliving and in order for you to heal, you have to face the emotions, you have to face the experience again. So when you're writing, what you're really doing is that you are feeding your brain the visual and the emotions that came with that incident in your life. So writing is so essential. When I tell you, my clients write letters to everybody you can possibly think of, including themselves. They write letters to their past self, their future self. We write letters all day. You write letters to family members, people that have hurt you, people that you've heard. I can't tell you specifically because everyone has their own healing plan, but on a, on a, on a consensus level. That's kind of like the major theme.


So, writing, we redo memories. So and it sounds crazy sometimes when you say it but we are programmable machines so we can always we're always a decision away from a new life because we're Like you know, you take a remote and you program us. That's how the human vessel works. So when we redo memories, we go to these memories. That Memories don't leave. They, you're holding them in your memory bank, you're holding them in your hard drive. Your hard drive is your subconscious mind. So the things that are to us like oh yeah, that happens, like when I was eight, yeah, if that's a great memory, that's a great. You have great storage of that. Right, it's that. That's something that's elevating your, your soul.


It most likely won't make you sick because it's something that feels good. Right, it was a good memory. Now, the memories that don't make you feel good, they're not just gone, they're in your body, that's it. And the more you suppress them. So I have people that completely don't remember their childhood. Those people are the people that I have to work with the most, because now, in order for you to heal, we got to get you to remember these memories, because if we don't remember these memories, you're not healing because you're not addressing them. It's still stored in the body Right and when you really can't remember, it's because it was that traumatic, it was that painful that you chose to just put it so away that now it's. It's not in the front of your psyche.

37:04 - Nachi (Host)

So I don't think I'm so scary for them that is even revisit that.

37:07 - Naomi (Guest)

Yeah, I've had people that don't finish the program like Because it's too much from the first second section, because what's too much is the fact that they are having such a hard time remembering and it's quite a lot of people and it's cool. We got them there to a point that they're kind of remembering. But now they kind of started remembering stuff that they really couldn't even believe that they could remember and now it's like now I don't want to do this, yeah, it's too much. It's too much because they've never even. Yeah, you have to be ready, because when you remember, you're reliving all of these emotions.


So that's one of the greatest things we do, I think. I think it's so powerful that we redo memories. So what happens is that we relive the memory and now you reprogram it in a way that was more, in a way that is more elevating for you, right? And it sounds like oh yeah, whatever, what is that really going to do? It does a lot because, back to what I said, the, we are programmable, we can program ourselves. So the body doesn't know Other mind doesn't know when something is actually happening or if you're imagining it. So let's just go into that science, right? So if you're reliving a memory that's why they say to be mindful of your thoughts, right, and what you're thinking, because the body, the mind, doesn't know the difference. So if you're now redoing memories and now you go from the original memory and now you give yourself the space to redo that entire memory, the mind and the body doesn't know that you were actually not living that moment. What the body is storing is the emotions that come with. Whatever it is that you're storing in your brain, you get it. So now what happens is that you set yourself free from these memories because now you elevated the memories, because the mind and the body is now going to react to this elevated memory, whether you think it's going to work or not.


So that's another thing that we do. That's extremely powerful. We do that for memories of things that were done to you. And then we do that for memories that you've heard others and that's another chapter, because people don't want to face the pain that they've inflicted on others. So now it's like, were we doing those memories? Because chances are, you're walking around with the guilt and the shame of what you did to these people. So now we have to reprogram those memories so that you can elevate those emotions, so that your body stores different emotions for these memories. So we do a lot of unprogramming and reprogramming of memories. Definitely past life regression, yeah.

39:31 - Nachi (Host)

So when you talk about reprogramming memory, you mean switching the emotion that you originally had attached to that to something that's on a higher level.

39:43 - Naomi (Guest)

Exactly so. If you have a memory in where you went and you told your mother something and she was emotionally unavailable and she sent you to your room, right, and you always remember that memory, as a child it made you feel very shitty. And now we go and re-re-do that memory and remember you were in meditation, right. So you're in there. So you go and you re-do that memory and the memory is that you went and you showed your mother your accomplishment and she was so happy and she was so proud and you found the talking on the phone to people about how great you did and you went to your room.


Although you're just re-doing that memory on your own, the body doesn't know that you're actually not experiencing that. What the body is feeling now is all these emotions that now you're living again because you're now giving yourself this virtual reality experience. Let's say so. Now you are feeling the joy and the comfort and the welcoming energy that that new memory is giving you. The body keeps the score, so the body is just feeling it. Your job is to just give it what to feel. So if we know that, if everyone was to know that, we'll be a lot more mindful of allowing ourselves to fall into toxic situations or allow ourselves to stay identified in low vibrational emotion, because we're a machine and we have control of it. So I always say that shadow work is a process of reprogramming as well.

41:05 - Nachi (Host)

And then you were talking about past life regression that you did.

41:12 - Naomi (Guest)

Oh yeah, so we also do. Yeah, we also do past life regression, just because it's important for you to understand where certain things come from. We do family lineage healing and that comes in the form of through all those sessions, family members come up and patterns within your family we also do. We identify generational patterns and we identify who your ancestors are. We identify, like, your spiritual lineage and what's with you, and that I do in the very last session. So the very last session, we're very much focused on your ancestors and what's around you and you know what's with you, any messages that come from all that walks with you, and in that last session we actually get to learn a lot of the patterns that come from your family.


So, like in my last program, one of the girls in that program she learned one of the things that she had to heal past in her shadow work was just kind of a lot of things that came from her mom and her mom was very just just raised there to believe that men was the answer and like that she needed to get a man with money.


Right, she comes from that. When we went into understanding her generational patterns, she comes from a whole entire generational situation in where women were kind of like giving away to men, in where within her own family, like the women were, it was almost like the women feared men, so like moms would allow, like the uncles, to be sexually aggressive with their daughters, because it was a pattern you know what I mean and where the women had to be submissive and the man ran everything. So if the man wanted to be fresh with someone's daughter, because the mother was, you know, fearful of the man, it was allowed and that was like a thing generation to generation, and that came up when we, when we learned about her generation, and then it all made sense why she even had to heal this and that came at the very end. So that's something else that we do, which is deep information, because then you further understand your mother, your grandmother, your father, and even just have compassion right for them and understanding that they too were part of the programming.

43:25 - Damaris (Host)


43:27 - Naomi (Guest)

So that's a lot of what is done. What else can I say now? We do so much that I'm because now when you did it, the marriage, it was four weeks, now it's seven weeks, yeah.

43:37 - Damaris (Host)

I know, I know you're talking about things that we definitely didn't do, but, as I like to say, I don't think I needed all of that.

43:45 - Naomi (Guest)

Larissa yes, exactly. No. I mean, hey think about. I think it's impressive already that you've always had the talk with yourself. That's not common at all.

43:59 - Damaris (Host)

I said probably started doing that Maybe the last 10 years, but I would say it maybe. And and if I did it before I really wasn't mindful of it. But when I would be in a situation and I didn't like how I felt afterwards, I would just try to decompress. But then sometimes I would ask myself, why am I feeling this way? And I wouldn't stop asking the why until I got down to it. And then, once I did, I felt so much better. I was like, oh, thank you. Okay, now I know why. I felt that, okay, that's nothing, that's stupid. But it's so weird how, if I didn't do that, I would be, I would still carry that feeling of like not feeling good from whatever engagement I came from and I didn't like. It would be like, oh, I had an altercation or anything like that. It would just be like if I had a conversation with a friend and I'm like, oh, I didn't like how that ended or I don't like this and then, but it won't be at that moment, it'll hit me afterwards.


But then I have to ask myself, well, why, why did that bother me? What am, why am I concerned about that? And then it, then I get to the crux of it and then I think, as I've said, you know, throughout these episodes, is that definitely the last five years has been a much bigger spiritual transformation for me and that that increased that idea of, like me, being very introspective and asking myself the why, so I can get down to the bottom of why I feel the way I do about certain things. Yeah, and then the shadow work thing was just like the cherry on top. It was like yes, chef's kiss, you know what I mean. Like, okay, girl, like I'm still a bad bitch, yes, I'm fine, all right.

45:45 - Naomi (Guest)

Well, I'll tell you this, going back to generational, a lot of that awareness that you have also comes from the evolution within your ancestors Period. Because I'll tell you that, just just seeing different things that people come from me, knowing what I come from, even just comparing, like, my mom side of the family to my dad side of the family, there are families that are completely identified in pain and and a complete lack of awareness that it's just almost like and you know I want to be as nice as possible, I don't mean this in any kind of way. We're from from this lens here, to me it's like oh, just stop having kids.


Everybody everybody everybody just stop having kids, you know, because this is right here.


Yeah, yeah, like let's just end this and the last one that's left right here. Just just just work on yourself, just everybody heal, and then start having kids, kids, kids again, because it's a vicious cycle. And then you look at families, that there's a level of awareness that is just inevitable in each family member, some at different levels than others, but you could tell that their ancestors did some type of work period. You could tell versus I could tell people that come from ancestry that there's the waiting in the cut for them to get it together Like it's. I could see that.


So that awareness that you have comes a lot also from your karmic debt. Right, because we're all here on different karmic debt and what I've learned is just seeing so many different scenarios. There's families that their karmic debt is just different than other families, to the point that I could tell on a generational scale, what are the generations that have done the work? Or what are the families that somewhere in there somebody did the work or a few people did the work, versus the families where it's evident that yo, just nobody did the work here, like not even great, great great great, great grandma.

47:45 - Damaris (Host)

Yeah, they carry in the national.

47:48 - Naomi (Guest)

Yes, it's like everybody's carrying over the debt. Yeah, yeah, so that awareness, you know we could go back into our ancestors and really think them, because then I also feel that the way that that awareness came into you.


Whether you realize or not, that's spiritual, that awareness where you're questioning yourself. Remember, we don't make our thoughts. Our thoughts just come in. Okay, so all those little moments that you were aware of something, that's because what's with you is elevated enough to allow you to have awareness, because of your own karmic debt and where it's almost like it's deserving of you to always liberate yourself Versus people don't get that awareness because they have to sit with certain things in this lifetime for their own evolution. Right, and it's either they get it or they don't, or they're coming back.

48:38 - Damaris (Host)

Right, yeah, no, that's. That's good to hear. Thank you, given that you've had all these clients. You know what you know. You've seen the spectrum, so I am, I'm, grateful to you. Know what else I've seen?

48:51 - Naomi (Guest)

ancestors there there are, everybody there at everybody's door is just that nobody's paying attention. And I think, before knowing all of this, I used to look at people that used to like venerate ancestors or worship their ancestors.


What are they really doing, girl? It's just that they're here. It's just like you. There's nothing to be done. They're really just here and they're living through us.


And because we think that our thoughts are ours, we're not understanding that. No, no, no, no, no, no. Those thoughts are among so many other things that you know could attach to you, but a lot of them is your ancestors living through you. You know, like that whole affinity of like, for example, wanting land, wanting to buy property, and you don't even know why. You have a lot of that as your ancestors. They want to acknowledge, you know, and and they communicate with us telepathically. So it's not like you're going to hear an outside voice. The most they can control is your own thoughts, your own inner voice. But because we don't know that, we think that all these aha moments are like oh, my god, I came up with a great idea. Actually, no, you did not, but whatever you write, so that's how present they are and they're continuously.


And then every family has different things that they're working through. So I've seen I've had clients that they come from ancestry where a lot of their family members were like, like, like they were just, or womb healers, right, Like some people come from really dope stuff and they have like this inclination to like, oh my god, I want to womb heal and they don't know why. And the entire time it's like they have an ancestor on their ear, in their ear, putting on their ears, and now they're like researching herbs and they're like, you know, I don't even know, I don't know. I just I'm just like into herbs and they don't really know why. Because that's your ancestor, because that's what they were doing, so they want to continue to pass those gifts down. So that's how, how alive our ancestors are, to the point that I mean, you know I'll wait my time here because you know I got things to do, I gotta take care of my son, but I kind of can't wait to be an ancestor. It seems cool.

50:51 - Damaris (Host)

I know my tears let me share them with you.

50:54 - Naomi (Guest)

Yeah, and then?

50:55 - Damaris (Host)


50:55 - Naomi (Guest)

I also understand like, oh, I might be even though they don't really depend on the ancestor, right? But I might be upset as an ancestor if I knew all of this information now and now. I have to watch my descendants just be completely oblivious, right? So understand how hard they go with trying to pass you knowledge that really belongs to you or belongs to the lineage, and they wanted to continue living through you. And you know, I kind of always I already forgave myself for this, but, like I forgive myself for kind of like neglecting that having ancestors and that they're there and with us at all time, as it being a real thing, it's so real.

51:38 - Damaris (Host)

Yeah, and I and that's part of having grace for yourself and, you know, compassionate, and it's just part of our human journey. Here, right like there, there's so many things that I'm now aware of that I say to myself damn, I wish I knew that 15 years ago. Damn, I wish I started this sooner. And then I have to stop, because I have to respect the fact that this is the time when I was supposed to just deal with it. This is the time that I was supposed to embrace this idea, not one second sooner, that's just it.


But it's hard because I have. I struggle with wanting to have control over things, but through the shadow work, you know, I've learned to let a lot of that go, but it's still something that I have to be very mindful of when I don't see things work out the way I think they should. And going with the flow, going with my intuition, trusting that my intuition is divinely inspired, which I know it is. So, you know, this podcast wouldn't exist if I didn't follow through on that, into it, yeah, into idea, that thing that just popped into my head, which you know.


I only know that came from probably from my father, cuz he's such a talker.

52:59 - Naomi (Guest)

He's like, yes, mommy, and they're really in the cut and notice how the more you work on yourself, the more you elevate them, because spiritual DNA is a real thing.


So grandpa is attached to all of us so he's already, as he said, he's faster than he's ever been, whatever, right. But the more we work on ourselves, he elevates. You know, because, think about, we have although he's not here at the moment physically, you still have an energetic attachment to him as his daughter, not, he has an energetic attachment to him. You know, you, we all, we all have attachments to the, the livable and the unlivable period. So just think about, the more you elevate yourself, he's attached to you. That elevates him versus. This is why we say, when you heal, you heal your ancestors, because imagine a whole entire generation where everybody's identified in these low vibrational emotions. Right?


you have attachments to all of these we share. We're all part of the same spiritual DNA to an extent, so everything is just, everything is connected, and I think I sound like the people that I used to criticize when I didn't get it like, yes, everything is connected and, yes, we are all one and it is yes the law of one is the real thing. You just have to see it so that you can really understand how real it really is yeah, we're.

54:19 - Damaris (Host)

I think this is a perfect place to to kind of end on, because that is absolutely it. We are part of one large collective of oneness. Right like we're, we're connected to even beyond us as humans. We're connected to the universe. We're particles of the same thing that exists outside of earth. I mean just there's just all this connection, and I think it's important for us to to work on ourselves. I feel like people think that, in order to have like an impact on the world, they need to do something big or they need to do something outside of themselves, and you know, everything people people think of is outside of them yeah, and it's like, honestly, like your focus on your spirit influence and your spirit influence includes you and you are.


The biggest piece of what you can influence is how you think and how you move on this earth. That is your impact. It is not you becoming the next Elon Musk. His journey is his journey, your journey is yours, your impact will be different, but your impact is needed nonetheless. It's no more important or, no, no less important than what any than each of us are doing. But before we close out, Naomi , I would love for you to remind our listeners where they can find you yes, so you can follow me on Instagram.

55:52 - Naomi (Guest)

My Instagram tag is queen only, so Queen dot only with three eyes. So Queen dot, oh and II. You can also go on own body and soul calm. That's own OM body and and S? O U L calm, and you can find all my services there.


I am a breath of facilitator. I am also a Reiki practitioner, although I don't offer one-on-one Reiki services. I just use my knowledge and Reiki to work my shadow work programs because we do a lot of Reiki healing as well. There's a lot of root and energy words that that happens in shadow work, so I use it for that. So I have one-on-one breath work sessions every so often. I have events I haven't had breath work events in a while and I also have clarity reading.


Clarity readings are channeled sessions and it's essentially for you to understand what's currently happening in your life.


I like to tell people that it's not your usual reading and where it's like a fortune telling reading it doesn't mean that you might not learn about things that are coming forward or things of that nature, but it's more to give you clarity on where you currently stand right, to allow you to understand the why is where these things are coming from the relationships around you, the people around you.


It's a it's literally a dive in into your reality and why you know, and just highlighting and bringing awareness to maybe the things that you're not seeing or the things that you're not seeing in your circle and in your current life. So I offer clarity readings, which is, I think, one of the most popular services that I offer and the greatest, I would say the biggest service I offer is a seven-week shadow work program and that's something that you just have to be ready for. I always advise everyone just got a clarity reading, because the clarity reading will allow you to receive the clarity that you need and from that moment you're able to move forward on understanding if you're ready to do that type of work, like shadow work. So you can find all of that on ownbodyandsolecom.

57:55 - Damaris (Host)

I highly recommend doing the shadow work. If, if you, as an individual, feel like it may be too much for you to do it on your own or you're not quite sure where do you start having that space for yourself to kind of work through what you're going through in life, then definitely, you know, engage in the guidance from Naomi , because I did it with her and it was awesome, so I am a testimony and, once again, it's something that you have to be ready for.

58:27 - Naomi (Guest)

It's not something that anybody can push on you.

58:31 - Damaris (Host)

You know, you know when you're ready, follow your intuition right like go with what your gut tells you. Absolutely not because what you think you should do, but it's if you're called to do it, do it. If it doesn't sound like it's something that jives with you don't?

58:49 - Naomi (Guest)

it's cool, it's just not your moment, right? I think we're all designed to embark on our shadow work journey and our healing journey at different intervals. So, right, you know when you're ready. It's something within you that you're ready to change. You know, if you're not ready, you'll know. And sometimes you know you're not ready, as simple as your. Everything else is more important at the moment and there's nothing wrong with that, right and where maybe you can even feel like, oh, I'm not ready to pay that amount of money right now. I need my money to do XYZ. That's cool, it's just not your moment at that moment and that's exactly that's.

59:23 - Damaris (Host)

That's perfectly said. So I'll just close out with as always, there's always going to be noise out there, but our message is consistent stop getting distracted by the smoke and mirrors, like who's going to lead waist or a roi-coe, and focus on what is important, and that is you. Focus on what makes you happy, on your purpose in life and whatever makes you vibrate higher. Keep your frequencies lifted and always. Thank you for listening. Bye so, that said, don't forget to subscribe to our channel and follow us on Instagram, tiktok and Twitter, at I'm not yelling underscore.