I'm Not Yelling! I'm Dominican. Podcast

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Code-Switching: A Life Hack

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The concept of code-switching is not a new phenomenon to Black people and POC communities. We've had to navigate different communities and socioeconomic classes within our communities, and code-switching may be a means of survival for some. 

For us, being Black Dominicans and then also being American, we understood the assignment when entering the 'boardroom.' And while you may hear from companies that they want you to be you and are inclusive to all, the reality is corporate America is NOT ready for you to present yourself authentically if you don't come from the mainstream culture. So do you let this deplete you, or do you recognize it for what it is—par for the course?

In this podcast episode, our guest is Jess Matos, host of The Tia Chronicles podcast. We discuss our individual experiences with having to code-switch and how we maintain our authenticity throughout—and still live our lives with joy. 

Tune in to the full episode below.

Episode Transcript