I'm Not Yelling! I'm Dominican. Podcast

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Establishing Boundaries

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Boundaries, personal or professional, are needed in all areas of your life. But from experience, we know establishing boundaries is unheard of in many Dominican families.

I (Damaris) define boundaries simply—it's what is and what is not okay with me. So you should explore what those hard lines are for you. That can be your litmus test for what a boundary is to you.

For Nachi, boundaries came into play when she realized that if she didn't set boundaries, it would become an opportunity for others to take advantage of her—even those closest to her. So she's learned that you can still be there for your family, friends, and colleagues with specific parameters that are set so that she can function to the best of her ability and, at the same time, still meet the needs (to the best of your capacity) of the people around you. 

Know that you have the power to set the guardrails on how you want to be treated by anyone in your life (yes, this includes family members, too—these boundaries are rated E for everybody). 

Tune into the full episode below to hear more about how we deal with this elusive topic. 

Episode Transcript