Living with Grief

We all have experienced grief in some form. And sometimes, it can take over us and seem like we'll never see the light of day when we deal with a loss. This episode touches on different grief coping mechanisms and, most importantly, how to be there for someone in the grieving process.

Grief can mean many different things to others based on their backgrounds or cultures. Grief is just the normal reaction to loss. Read that again. It is just a reaction to loss. It doesn't tell us that it relates to sadness, anger, or frustration. It doesn't dictate a specific response. It just says it's a normal reaction to the loss.

A lot of times, it's easy to confuse mourning with grieving, right, because they're so interconnected. When we think of mourning, it's the external expression of grief. That's where you see the tears—the anger. That's where you see the sadness and all the other things, and then grieving is more the internal process of what's going on mentally as far as your thought process, your emotional state, and all the things.

If you're grieving, have compassion towards yourself to allow that moment to react in the way your body calls for—if it's calling for you to burst out in tears—do it. Stop judging yourself. Go through your emotional experience.

What is grief if not love persevering? Tune in to the full episode below.

Grief Education Resources: IG: @_lifeafterloss


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